Weight: 7,2kg
Pallet dimensions: 800x1200mm
Palletising: Carton boxes of six units
Packed weight: 44kg
Packed dimensions: 1200 x 800 x 36mm
40ft container: 1002 units
40ft HC container: 1200 units
20ft container: 492 units
HAND WASHING KITIn the acute phase of an emergency, diarrhoeal diseases still cause 40% of deaths of which 80% are children. Washing hands with soap and water can reduce the risk of disease spreading by around 45%, so interventions that are successful in promoting and enabling hand-washing could save millions of lives.
Huge resources - time and money - are spent each year on the purchase of sanitation materials and the building of latrines. However, until now there has been no readily available, low cost, approved kit to provide hand-washing in emergencies.
After years of development, research and testing this kit will allow the quick and easy installation of hand washing stations alongside the latrines, helping to avoid poor-quality facilities that discourage the vital hand washing when is most needed and providing people with a healthy and dignifying solution.
The design
The Hand Washing Station is designed to be an easily transportable, robust and a quick to assemble structure, whilst also being attractive and easy to maintain.
The large 24-litre water container and 4litre internal liquid soap dispenser are easy to refill, while its user-friendly, one-touch push-up taps keep disease spreading contact points to a minimum and conserve water. Both, soap and water taps, come with engraved hygiene promotion messages to encourage use.

In cases when liquid soap is not an option, bar soap can be used as an alternative. A designated space has been added to the hand basin for this purpose. The unit also features colourful components and mirrors, which serve as nudges to encourage a more frequent use across all the ages.
Its easy maintenance and management will conserve scarce water resources and extend the longevity of the unit, while the durability of the materials used make the stand suitable for long-term use not only in villages and displacement camps, but also at schools, market places and other public areas.
The design also includes hanging hooks for a more comfortable use and a drainage pipe to improve the washing experience and ensure that waste water soaks away.
Shipping and installation
The Hand Washing Stand has been designed for the most efficient and cost-effective shipping, being made of lightweight materials. The kit perfectly stacks on a standard 1200x800mm pallet in tiers of 6 units until up to 36 stands per pallet, for an economic shipping. It can also be efficiently mixed with latrine slabs.
The design is simple and intuitive, making the structure easy to assemble, robust and easy to maintain. The units come with pre-fitted taps and mirrors, as well as with easy-to-follow instructions for a simple 3-step build-up process; Slot the tank onto the basin, attach the legs with the security screws and attach the drain hose.
Unfortunately, the current COVID-19 pandemic, has proven how important is a good hygiene and how much of a change can do proper hand-washing in order to control disease and virus spreading. After years of development, this kit, made of highly resistant to bacteria one-touch push-up taps, can help to control the virus in those areas where sanitiser and running water are not always available.
Key Features
- Strong and durable
- Lightweight for easy and cost-effective transportation
- Easy to build by unskilled labour with minimal instructions
- 24-litre water tank with an attached lid
- 4-litre internal liquid soap container – bar soap to be used as an alternative option
- Hand basin
- Drainage pipe
- Coated metal legs
- Colourful components and 2 mirrors to encourage frequent use
- 4 one-touch taps- 2 for water and 2 for soap
- Padlock hoop
- Hanging hooks
- Simple 3-step assemble
- Fixings included
- Efficient palletising for shipping
- Stackable in tiers of 6 units fitting the standard 800x1200 pallet
- Can be efficiently mixed with latrine slabs on a pallet
Dunster House Ltd. is a family run company selling timber garden products as its core business. Over the years we have expanded and grown becoming the largest log cabin company in the UK and opening our Humanitarian Department at our headquarters. With 7 branches spread out across the UK and 13 sister factories in Europe, we have a large range of products. Discover them on the links below!