We truly believe that every business can make a social impact. At Dunster House we are continuously working on new products and projects that can provide some disaster relief to people from all around the world. Please, if you want more information or you are an NGO, charity, foundation or organization interested in any of our products, or you have a project you would like to discuss with us, please:
Fill the form below and we will contact you back.
Phone Number
Do you prefer to contact us directly? You can also do it through email, post or phone call. Our team is always happy to know about you, listen about new projects and assist you with any doubt, question or suggestion you may have. If you prefer, you can also contact us directly.
If you prefer, you can also contact us directly.
Humanitarian Department
Dunster House
Factory 1, Caxton Road,
Bedford | Bedfordshire | MK41 0LF | England | UK
+44 (0) 1234 272 445
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